Thriving, not surviving!
Have you always felt like you didn’t quite fit in or realised you think about things a bit differently to others? Has adulting gotten harder since you started a new relationship, went to university, got a promotion, or became a parent?
You may have a diagnosis such as ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia or think maybe you have traits of these things: organising is tricky, can be forgetful, maybe a bit hyper, spelling all over the place, struggle with change and transition, or maybe you don’t quite get some social cues and socialising with people drains you…
You are not alone and these struggles can be very common for neurodivergent folk. There ARE things you can do to help make life easier and we can show you how. We’ve been there, we’ve got the t-shirt and we’ve found ways to thrive and help others to do the same.
We are here for individuals and the organisations they are in!
Transition, change & blips are part of all our lives and there are certain times when you just need an extra bit of help as an individual or a team – moments when you can no longer ‘wing it’, need to ‘take stock’ or gain a new set of strategies and skills.

Here to help you in:
adulting, parenting (whatever the type) and organisations!
Ever wondered if you have ADHD or neurodivergent traits?

Hi. I’m Helen Davies…

Being a neurodivergent adult in a neurotypical world can be daunting at times. If you’re not sure whether you have traits of, or conditions such as, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD – not all are hyper), Dyslexia or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) it can be especially tricky to navigate the waters and make your life easier.
I help fellow neurodivergent parents to make their own lives easier.
Who I am is someone who has lived this and been through that journey of being different, an original thinker and have Dyslexia, ADHD (undiagnosed) and autistic traits. In fact it’s very common for neurodivergent folk to have traits across a few neurodiverse areas.
At school I always felt I was a bit different and did not come out with many qualifications and just about managed to get into nursing because of an entrance test they did. I didn’t get my dyslexia diagnosis until my 20s at night school. My ADHD and ASD traits were not recognised until even later in life after becoming a parent. I became frustrated that my disabilities I thought I had more under control, not only were back in full force, but also that my old strategies had become redundant! However, I found new ones and reclaimed my mojo. I can help you do the same.
It is not unusual to find out later in life or for neurodisability challenges to become more prominent or obvious during significant life changes such as becoming a parent, in relationships, new promotion, stressful points in your life and trauma. For many, Covid times took things up a gear for neurodivergent folk.
So if you think you may be neurodivergent, are newly diagnosed or it’s all just gone up a gear for you I can help you make sense of the world, feel more confident, understand how the brain works, increase your strategy toolkit and make the most of your superpowers. I have been a mentor and coach for a couple of decades now. I am also a Mum, Clinical Director in the NHS, Trustee in the charity ADHD Aware.
I am determined, caring, insightful and have a great sense of humour. People are my thing and hyperfocus! I get out of bed every day to make a difference. It’s what makes me tick and am here to make a difference for you.
Helping you thrive!
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Practical Wisdom is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to sustainability.